BioRestNet: A Network of Biocultural Restortaion
Felipe Melo
Nottingham Trent University
Why a network?
- It is the best way to scale up restoration
- Allows sharing of knowledge
- Strengthen actions
- Creates models
Biocultural restoration
Theme 1 - Biocultural Restoration
- Compile the culturally important species
- Understand the multiple use for humans
- Assess the value the biocultural core of species
Theme 2 - Functional Effectiveness
- What is the functional profile of the culturally important species?
- How much ecological function is retained?
Theme 2 - Functional Effectiveness
- A randomized-structured experiment
- Placed at the Savanna site
- Control and simulate
- Disturbance
- Climate variables (water)
Theme 3 - Landscape Drivers of Change
- Distribution of the Biocultural core of species
- Current and future climate
- Priority areas for Biocultural Restoration
- Sensitive areas

BioRestNet: A Network of Biocultural Restortaion Felipe Melo Nottingham Trent University